Script of Cloud and Tifa’s Night Under the Highwind

The scene fades in to show Cloud and Tifa alone on the bridge. Tifa is still watching the clouds go by.


  • “What are you going to do, Tifa?”


  • “Did you forget?”
  • “I’m… all alone. I don’t have anywhere to go.”

The scene fades out, then in to show Cloud and Tifa on a grassy hill. Tifa stands close to the camera, looking past the player. Cloud is behind her, staring in another direction. The Highwind hovers above. The only sound is that of the wind.


  • “Everyone’s gone…”


  • “Yeah, we don’t have anywhere or anyone to go home to.”


  • “You’re right…”
  • “But… I’m sure someday… they’ll come back, don’t you think?”


  • “Hmm… I wonder…?”
  • “Everyone has an irreplaceable something they’re holding on to…”
  • “But this time, our opponent…”


  • “Hmm… But that’s all right, even if no one comes back.”
  • “As long as I’m with you… As long as you’re by my side… I won’t give up even if I’m scared.”


  • “…… Tifa……”


  • “No matter how close we are… We were far apart… before this.”
  • “But when we were in the Lifestream surrounded by all those screams of anguish, I thought I heard your voice…”
  • “…sniff… you probably don’t remember this…”
  • “But deep in my heart I heard you calling my name… Or at least I thought I did…”


  • “Yeah… At that time I heard you calling me.”
  • “You were calling me back in from the stream of consciousness in the Lifestream.”
  • “After all, I promised. That if anything were to ever happen to you, I would come to help.”


  • “Cloud…? Do you think the stars can hear us?”
  • “Do you think they see how hard we’re fighting for them?”


  • “I dunno… But…”
  • “Whether they are or not, we still have to do what we can. And believe in ourselves…”
  • “Someday we’ll find the answer. Right, Tifa?”
  • “That’s what I learned from you when I was in the Lifestream.”


  • “Yeah…… that’s right…”


  • “Hey, Tifa…… I…… There are a lot of things I wanted to talk to you about.”
  • “But now that we’re together like this, I don’t know what I really wanted to say…”
  • “I guess nothing’s changed at all… Kind of makes you want to laugh…”


  • “Cloud… Words aren’t the only thing that tell people what you’re thinking…”


  • “…………”

She closes her eyes. The camera pans up, past her, to the sky, as the scene fades to black.

The scene fades in once more to the grassy hill. It is still mostly dark out, but the hint of a sun is glowing beyond the horizon. Cloud and Tifa are seated on a small rise in the ground. Tifa is resting her head on his shoulder; both are dozing. Cloud lifts his head slightly.


  • “…………It’s almost dawn…”


  • “H, huh…?”


  • “Sorry. Did I wake you…? It’s almost dawn, Tifa.”


  • “Umm… G, good morning… Cloud.”
  • “Give me a little longer… Just a little bit longer…”
  • “This day will never come again… So let me have this moment…”


  • “Yeah… okay.”
  • “This is probably the last time we’ll have together……”

And let’s not forget Tifa’s line back on the Highwind after the other characters have shown up again:


  • “……Were you watching?”

They watch her as she runs away, clutches her head and falls to the floor in embarrassment. Vincent enters the bridge. All except Tifa turn to see him enter.