The current story arc started with this strip: Two Pieces of Cake.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This strip was drawn as the first part of strip Nr. 142, Payback Time, published on 1 March 2010, but I came to the conclusion that it works better when placed directly after the story arc it references.
- Bank employee: I’m sorry, but I can’t find any information in our system about the person who deposited $4125 into your daughter’s savings account.
- Bank employee: If you believe that it’s a mistake, the only advice I can give you is not to spend the money for the time being.
- Richard: I see. Thanks anyway.
- Caption: We had no idea what to put into this panel, so here is a bunny with a pancake on its head the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Ohhh… I see
I was a bit confused at first, but now it’s making sense.
But one thing is making me curious:
Sandra got 4125$ which must be just a small part of the money.
sooo… how much was that? o_ô
If Ye Thuza gave this to all 3 and kept at least the same amount for herself
It must be 16500$ or more. Right?
I can see some nice Solitaire action going on in panel 1.
$16,500 would be 5% (the reward stated in the previous strip) of $330,000, which is consistent with the “several hundred thousand dollars” Sandra initially talks about. Makes sense, and is a relatively round number.
makes you wonder what sandra with do with all that money, maybe just plain stopping tidying up her room?
With relatively low inflation, $4125 should be just enough to pay for her college textbooks. Or her first car, if it’s ten years old when she gets it.
I would have prefered to see a bunny with a pancake on its head 🙁
Still liking this comic a whole lot though ^^
No bunny? ;_;
But I love bunnies. Then again I love our First Ammendment as well. ^_^
The first ammendment? oookaaaay.
After reading this, I wondered out of curiosity, what the German version of this was. Which made me look up what Article 4 Section 1 was. Which made me read it.
Proof that you’re doing a good job? Inspire curiosity.
Wait! Where’s the bunny! I WANT THE BUNNY è_é
I just finished an archive dive (referred over from Gaia), and didn’t find any resolution to the Mystery Ninja Identity Question. I think I agree with Someone that it’s Ye Thusa, as she’s the only dark haired female human with a history of daring-do. Unless we want to postulate another ^_^
… Non-sequitur #2.
This amuses me a little, but moreso every time I think about it.
Mostly because you could have… just done a two-panel comic.
Tank wrote:
Got turned into a goon for bopping field mice on the head.
I know what you could put in the final panel! The bank employee getting caught playing solitaire on his computer by his boss.
I wanted the bunny with the pancake… :c
@ ekimmak:
With that last panel I expected to learn that you or someone you knew had experienced a recent incident of censorship. Not that that sort of thing ever happens here. Ever.
I would have settled for a picture of Woo eating the bunny.
Awww a wanted a bunny with a pancake on its head
Nice cameo! It was really well-hidden though, this was my fourth read-through Someone should update the TVTropes page for your comic to include that last panel though ; )
[addition to my previous post]
Calling a rabbit a “Smeerp” indeed!
[2042PT 12/28/2018]