[0577] Cinderella, The True Story III
└ posted on Thursday, 1 May 2014, by Novil
There are six new polls that appear randomly in the voting widget in the right sidebar:
- Are you generally happy with your life?
- Are you in a steady relationship?
- Would you give your child the name of a fictional character?
- What’s your religious belief?
- What’s your preferred drawing style in comics?
- Merida: The apple pie was delicious, Show White. You have to give me the recipe!
- Snow White: Sorry, Merida, but that’s a trade secret.
- Merida: Why haven’t you eaten a piece yourself? Aren’t you hungry?
- Snow White: Surely you know that I’m allergic to apples…
- Merida: I’m feeling a little sleepy.
- Snow White: … At least to ones like this.
- Snow White: The packet is ready for pickup.
- Sign: A&M LABS – WE [LOVE] C4H8O3.
this looks interesting, cant wait for more…
Sneaky. Didn’t see that one comming.
Also I feel dumb for asking but what’s C4H8O3? That’s like cooking gas right?
Even though it’s a Disney cliche for some girl to be cursed by an apple it still flew right under my nose. How MALEFICANT of me to forget. I think I need more SLEEP. Then later I’ll go play some royal B BALL. And drink a GLASS of water.
@ Switch Master:
It’s Hydroxybutyric acid. It’s used as a sleeping pill.
I love the phones tied to their hands.
Beats pricking Merida on a spinning wheel.
Ah, yes, presumably that’s going to be gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, better known as GHB… What will become of Merida now? What will happen when Snow White takes her out for collection?
Merida’s Horse: *whinny* *stamp*
Fluttershy: So it’s true!! What you are doing- it’s- it’s horrible! *primes stare* You WILL REPENT YOUR MISDEEDS! *hits her with the full stare*
Snow White: AAAAAAGH!!! Stop!! Even if you take me down, the boss lady isn’t going to be fazed by this party trick!!! You-you’ll regret this!!!
Princess Twilight: Do you think you are a match for me, and Princess Celestia? You don’t stand a chance, Maleficent!
Yuna: MOOOOM! STOPPIT!!!!! I don’t go interfering when you play with your toys! Much! X-(
There’s a spelling error in the 1st panel: shouldn’t it be “Snow” White instead of “Show” White?
Unless it was intentional. I’m not sure.
C4H8O3 is hydroxybutric acid, and by the looks of it, gamma-hydroxybutric acid, which in its refined form is used as a date rape drug on account of its ability to put the victim to sleep and impair memory. As with any barbiturate, overdose can cause respiratory arrest.
C4H803 (Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid) works as a sedative. It’s often used for rape: you sneak it into food, and then… you know.
You’re welcome.
goldenrhino wrote:
Thank you for the notice.
C4H803 is more than one thing (depending on the details of the chemical structure), and you could have found out what all of them were by using a magical thing called Google. 😛
This is all leading to some massive, epic war between the Disney monarchies, isn’t it?
*pulls out folding chair and tub of popcorn*
@ Xezlec:
Yes, but only one of them puts people to sleep.
@ Switch Master:
C4H8O3 could be one of several small hydroxyacids, but in this case it probably refers to the anesthetic GHB.
C4H8O3 is EMC (Ethyl methyl carbonate) and used in… lithium batteries?! Well… charming
Cloud, your family is awesome 😀
welll…I’m gonna be honest….I’m waiting for Merida end Maleficient to join forces…(maleficient?? is that right ??)
I’m waiting for Mulan to come in to the rescue. Mulan and Merida on the same side would be able to rule the other princesses!
So Merida will awaken in College Station, Texas, to return four years later with a degree in petroleum geology, a Second Lieutenant’s commission in the Army Reserve, and membership in the TAMU Alumni Association.
So much for that Scottish accent.
“Gig ’em, Aggies!”
@ Switch Master:
I googled the formula and came up with nothing so. hmmm.
Yuna is what, nine or something? XD
That’s pretty awesome (the story)
@ Tucci78:
Merida can then go on to graduate school at Texas Tech and legally park in a handicap space by simply displaying her Aggie Degree on the dash of vehicle/saddle of her horse. 🙂
The “WE [LOVE] C4H8O3” sign means that Maleficent whats to sleep with Prince Valium. 😉
We are going to need to call Sandra to solve this. (Who will then be shown up by Woo.)
@ Malcadon:
No, Valium (Diazepam)’s chemical formula is C16H13ClN2O.
myth buster wrote:
Yeah, I was just responding to all the “what’s that?” comments. I mean it takes longer to ask the question than to look up the answer nowadays. I shouldn’t judge. It just seems odd.
It’s somehow heartwarming to see Aurora and Maleficent go into business together… even if what they’re selling is GHB…
Uh….. I need an adult?
…on another note, I just found out the prince from Sleeping Beauty is named Phillip.
…and he was unnamed in the original tale, and the film was made in 1959, so they have genuinely no excuse.
@ Tucci78:
Hey, you know what would happen if all the Aggies left Texas and went to Arkansas?
The average IQ in BOTH states would go up.
She’s going to have a Blast in chemistry.
Loot the bow!
@ Switch Master:
C4H8O3 is the chemical formula of several Hydroxybutyric acids. The best-known isomer of this formula is Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid, also known as GHB, the rape-drug…
The other isomers (2-Hydroxybutyric acid and beta-Hydroxybutyric acid) are also common but are legal because they don’t have much effect on us, humans. Only GHB causes drowsiness and can be used to sedate people and cure insomnia, depressions, narcolepsy, alcoholism and the virginity of young girls. (Again, it’s a popular rape-drug.)
@ Raen:Sorry, excuse for what?I’ve always thought Disney named him after the handsome Greek prince with whom Princess Elizabeth fell in love and married. (Now Queen Elizabeth II of the UK, and the Duke of Edinburgh)
Breaking Barbie
“Better call Saul!”
It’s comics like these that make me proud to be a chemist. No need for googling!
Due to the wonderfully myriad ways that carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen can bond, there are numerous compounds with that same formula: ethoxy acetic acid, 2-hydroxybutanoic acid, ethyl methyl ester carbonic acid, monoacetate 1,2-Ethanediol, and 2-hydroxy-2-methyl propanoic acid. But the GHB (gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid) noted above is the correct one for this circumstance. And I think I need an updated CRC… didn’t even have the CAS number for GHB listed (it’s 591-81-1).
@ goldenrhino:
It says SNOW
@ Wim ten Brink:
Which do you think it’s curing in this circumstance?
And this is why you only eat the food when other people are eating too!
Hope Merida gets out of this. Hate for anything bad to happen to one of my favorite Disney princesses.
@ Novil:
There is still a typo in the caption box below.
I’m less focused on the drug and more focused on who co own’s the lab.
A&M Labs: Blank and Maleficent. I suppose it could just be Apples & Maleficent Labs, but I don’t think Yuna is the type to delegate half an entire company to one type of produce. She seems the kind who would come up with more eloborate naming devices than that, i mean she made a pie just for this ark, or at the least got her hands on some, so the A probably stands for a character, and I don’t think it’s Ariel.
Masorin wrote:
Aurora aka The Sleeping Beauty.
Heh, I like THIS Snow White XD
@ Everyone who answered my question
Thanks I knew it was a secret message I have never seen that chemical formula before. It’s okay because I still had a HAPILY EVER AFTER. So thanks a bunch guys. 🙂
@ M:
LOL Maybe Novil can trademark that name and it can be a new Sandra and Woo character. But Show white sounds like a villain. So maybe it would fit Gaia better. I don’t know?
@ Valkeiper2012:
Very true, though going from 25 to 35 and 20 to 30 doesn’t seem worth the effort.
@ Switch Master:
It”s a ketone body called Beta-hydroxybutyric acid, something that is produced during starvation or Diabetes. It reversibly reacts to become acetone, which is why you can tell a diabetic from their breath! Here, check out the wikipedia article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta-Hydroxybutyric_acid). (Unless of course the author meant the gamma form, which is an illegal drug known as GHB and is used as a date rape drug.)@ Switch Master:
I dunno about you guys, but this girl is scaring the you know whats out of me.
I don’t know if there’s anything you can do about it, but there’s something odd about the religious belief vote.
When the results showed up after my vote, they included these two at the bottom:
That can’t be right – while 1 vote can be rounded to 0%, 0 votes can’t possibly be 1%…
Oh, I just realized… all the rounded percentages for the other options sum to 99%, so I guess the code is made to add whatever’s left to the last option to make it a nice even 100%, despite the fact that it makes the results be wrong.
Obviously wrong in this case, but in other cases it might not be apparent at all without checking the actual vote counts, so it could lead people to thinking that the last option is more popular than it actually is.
And it makes me wonder what would happen if the other rounded percentages summed to 101% – would the last option be at -1% ? would it subtract 1 from one of the other options?
I think it would be better to let the percentages sum to 99% instead, because if someone goes to the trouble of checking if the sum is 100%, they’ll probably realize that it’s caused by rounding and can check the actual vote counts to confirm it (since those are given too, which is a good thing).