- Luna: That was the last exercise.
- Sandra: Not bad. You’ve factorized twenty terms and I only had one nervous breakdown.
- Luna: Would you like to play some cards before returning home?
- Sandra: Oh, I’d love to play a game…
- Sandra: … as long as it isn’t “I spy with my little eye…”
Whoa now Sandra, that’s kind of insensitive.
Wow. I’m getting a little worried about Luna here.
I was expecting a somewhat bare bones living environment, but there’s a difference between that and ‘dam empty’.
Hopefully Sandra and Woo can help out in some way more than just tutoring.
Wow, now I feel privileged to live in an apartment with a bathroom. Also Sandra is being just a tad too insensitive for her character, don’t you think Novil?
I’m starting to wonder about her parents now…
Gee, I feel bad for Luna. :^( At least now I see why she’s so doggone smart, so she can get outta that dump.
I spy…… A raccoon. Under the table.
Ok, I really think I’m missing something from the comic. What is Luna doing with math that causes people to go mad and similar stuff?
Luna is definitely exploring a “Minimalist” living style.
That word Does mean “Poverty Stricken” doesn’t it?
BTW, which problem caused the nerevous breakdown?
I appreciate the punchline but that comment was not too kind or smart, i.e. not in Sandra’s style.
@ MawileCeyvis:
Honestly, it seems like she was trying to be sensitive (suggested playing a game, then remembered that Luna doesn’t have any) and accidentally let that comment out.
I hope its Magic: The Gathering. Tho if you look at the decoration, I doubt she can even aford these cards :/
I think somebody called it when they said that Luna was poor a few strips ago.
Seawee wrote:
Given how expensive a hobby Magic: The Gathering is that probably not the type of card game Luna would have. She probably has a standard playing deck of 52 cards which can be used to play everything from Go Fish, to Last Card, to Gin Rummy.
Is this girl in Soviet Russia? Where are the things? Where is the stuff?
Play some cards…against humanity
Luna has gone from sympathized to awkward to a little creepy to now just depressing.
Is the theme of this arc be depressing as shit
@ Jerry:
No, minimalists just prefer to live without material things or to minimize their dependence on things that aren’t needs but wants, so as to not idolize worldly pleasures.
This comic has never had a character that was impoverished/”dirt poor” since it has started. I have also never seen Sandra and Company doing any sort of volunteer work. It appears that the author wishes to explore stories and concepts in that direction.
And I am not saying this as a bad thing. Most comic strips, especially those geared for comedy, tend to displaly their characters as relatively affluent and able to make ends meet.
However, I do hope that Luna does not become a “one-note character” and is trotted out only to emphasize that that her family is impoverished. The author has been relatively careful not to do that, but it could still happen.
Thank you for writing, drawing, and commenting. Take care!
Also I have calculated that comic 666 will go up on Thursday, March 12, 2015…which is the birthday of both Mitt Romney and Ron Jeremy. Novil, can you work one of them into the strip for that day?
Okay, does ANYONE understand this whole “people freaking out when Luna does math” thing? I can’t make heads or tails of it.
Bricky wrote:
Guess she does it so good that people can’t comprehend it. She is a Prodigy of some sort. Well that’s my guess.
*reads last panel, notices the decor, or rather the lack thereof*
“Oh GOSH! Luna, I feel so sorry for you now!” XD
Bricky wrote:
The Math they are doing is more focused on methodology of thought to get to end result [with little meaning to that end result] So when teaching others this you are trying to get their next step on a predicable path, and when they stay from that path trying to figure out how they made such a step so you can explain why they shouldn’t make that step.
When people try to understand the tough processes of other working in a different paradigm can get a bit freaky because a lot of social interaction depends on understand hence prediction others reactions and when that suddenly not working it buts you off kilter. Luna’s paradigm of though seems to be almost Lovecraftian in it paradigm difference.
Book Bails wrote:
When was she creepy? Socially awkward, but certainly not creepy.
Bricky wrote:
after reading through the posts of everyone doing that problem 2 strips ago and no-one even agreeing on the answer, do you really have to ask that question?
lordofnothing wrote:
When you stuggling to make ends meet, you tend to do with out the stuff that simply exist to look nice. And Hate to break it to you there are a lot people in the US living like that.
However the are certain functional things like a sleeping place not shown which points to this apartment having more than one room. so most of that stuff will be in the “living area” this room seems to have been set aside so Luna has a quite space to do her studies without distractions, it probably also doubles as a dining.
Though the state of the walls indicate there is much money to spare for there to be much of said “stuff”
DLKMusic wrote:
A lot of people agred the answer was (7x − 2)² and some of the conflation came first from the comic mistakenly said expand rather than factorize (that like saying subtract when you meant add) the the other part the transcript of the comic forgetting an x term that was listed in the comic itself.
That ignores the people who ignored both the expand and the factorize and tried to solve it instead so basically didn’t follow instructions (and we know what that means when their answers get marked 😉 )
Well now the comic about how she wears the same outfit every few days makes sense.
Peridotdreams wrote:
I wouldn’t say that kind of cliched one-dimensionalism is characteristic of ANY characters in Sandra & Woo thus far, (aside from throw-away “villains”). Why start now?
I live in a rooming house, and while I do alright living within my means, I’ve seen a lot of exceedingly poor people come through the place. Many have mental illnesses of some not-quite-hospitalizable degree, many have drug addictions, very few grasped basic cleanliness, household maintenance, or behavioral boundaries with regard to other tenants (having a long history of living wherever they can until they’re thrown out). Almost all live off government support and a wide variety of very irregular “something else”. None of them had empty rooms, not ever. Quite the opposite; piles and piles of 2nd and 3rd hand stuff that they couldn’t throw away because it might, someday be useful. 25 garbage bags filled with used clothing, some of which might even fit them, dozens of blankets, all sorts of cloth bags and milk cartons and boxes and other containers to contain what almost every sensible person would describe as a collection of assorted junk. Old food containers and spoiled food-bank donations they took but didn’t eat.
So compared to the ugly reality… no, this doesn’t look much like the room of most poor people I’ve known. Main reason being that the poor must by necessity live in very small housing, sometimes just a rented 10×10′ bedroom, into which they have to fit every single thing they own, borrowed or stole… ever. A poor person’s room looks like any Hoarder’s episode, only with much cheaper crap.
Be a bitch to draw all that junk, of course. 😉
You can play “I spy with my little eye” with cards?
Switch Master wrote:
The impression I’ve gotten is that Sandra is here to tutor Luna, and she’s so bad at math it’s giving people nightmares.
Luna is about half as good at math as the people commenting here.
No explanation. If you don’t get it, school is at TeamLiquid.Net, I recommend the guys at the Mafia forum to show you where to learn
Especially Starcraft though.
Lack of decoration is not a sign of poverty. It is a sign of NOT CARING. Even poor people will decorate with flowers or pictures from magazines or that their kids bring home from art class. Bare walls are indeed a troubling sign that whoever cares for/provides for Luna is either to exhausted from work to expend the effort on decoration, or is neglectful.
I understand that you will make sure that we now that she is really poor but i think Sandra will never tell that so blunt. i think a thought bubble was better for it. or shrift excuse for it.
Darkfyre99 wrote:
I’m sitting here wondering if I should be scratching my head. Everyone else seeming to think she’s a math whiz is giving me pause, but I see nothing in the comic itself but indication that she absolutely can’t do the math required for the class, and that Sandra is tutoring her…
Woo is so cute!!!
Samwise Clemens wrote:
From the two strips dealing with her maths, I also have a feeling that she might be unable to do the maths required. I also feel that it might be too depressing for people to think of Luna as picked on, impoverished and mathematically challenged to boot. It kinda does go directly to the feels.
@ Bricky:
I’m almost sure that’s it’s just because she’s horrendously bad at it.
My understanding is that Luna is both bad at math, but also that instead of simple failing, she makes weird errors. Actually, the first part looks more like obvious than merely my understanding.
@ Switch Master:
Actually, I think now that she is so poor at math that her teacher had a heart attack when she got it right or at how wrongly she did it. I’m guessing that Sandra had problems in those few places where Luna went terribly awry, but for the most part she did okay.
Chrisjenl wrote:
In Sandra’s defense, she DID just have one nervous breakdown, so maybe that affected her censors.
Somehow, this joke is just as funny and sad as it was in the 70s
And this arc will teach a lesson about how smart girls are bullied because of evil middle-school girls, and the heroes will solve this problem by embarrassing them, blackmailing them, or ridiculing them in a rather morally incorrect manner for supposed “heroes.” Just like every arc recently.
Novil, you’re becoming predictable.
I got an ad for math playing cards. I can’t make this stuff up.
El Rodrigo wrote:
I did.
@ Samwise Clemens:
I keep getting the impression that Luna is SO Good at Math that she keeps wandering into Quantum Mechanics while answering simple Algebra questions and that Sandra is trying to teach her where to STOP.
Oh and I think that it is because that Sandra was excellent in mathematics she was having frustration at the fact that Luna is not as skilled with math as the average student. Ever try teaching a kid spelling and that kid is 8 years old? Unless you are a parent or have something for teaching, you would be very easily frustrated. And even then…
I wonder why “Larisa visits Landon’s parents” got higher results on the poll over “Butterfly climbs a cliff”? I loved that story arc and the nature of Butterfly’s story there.
So….. what’s with the prison room?