- Richard: How about some romantic music?
- Melody: Sure, go ahead.
- Alizée: Si j’entends tout autour de moi L-O-L-I-T-A, moi Lolita
- Alizée: Lo…li…ta, Lo…li…ta, Lo…li…ta
- Map: Restraining orders
- Sandra: Dad doesn’t want to see you within fifty miles of his stereo ever again.
- Larisa: Fifty miles?!!
There are interesting twists hidden in the gaps between the strips of the recent arc. Anyway, if Richard allows Larisa to access his technical equipment he must not wonder about some strange tunes implemented aftrwards. But why Alizee – quand torche ma langue, j’ai la un feu rire aussi feu?
Well… Doesn’t Richard want to get on a bad side of the Melody?
But yeah… 50 Miles would be like entire town…
Great map; it’s important to be a little bit organized sometimes ;-).
At least Woo didn’t leave his collection of raccoon love ballads on there… this time.
I can imagine one of Larissa’s favorite books.
Quick! capture that map and check every strip to date is consistent with it!
Romantic music? What? And shouldn’t the restraining order be for Melody?
Larisa’s slowly turning her map to swiss cheese with those circles.
Richard: Whaaa?! My stereo’s been stolen!
@ Intelligence:
In case anyone else is a little slow on the uptake, Richard is a single dad. This is a date.
Eventually, Larisa won’t be allowed on Mars.
@ Frank:
I was just about to say that the map that ended after larisa met landon’s parents was fuller than that
Maybe Larisa could plead one of the other lines from the song?
“C’est pas ma faute!”
Hmmm, this ‘courtship’ is getting a bit rocky. Here we were expecting Woo to be the bump in the road and it turns out to be . . . Larissa? Oh this is getting funnier by the day.
can someone please translate, google translate doesnt work for me. it is french right?
Darn it, Richard! You’re restricting Larisa’s free zones! Now she’ll have to take her pyromaniacal tendencies elsewhere! You’ve unleashed Larisa upon the rest of us, you monster!!
lmao. And right after I looked up pedobear memes and lmao’d for an hour.
I don’t get it, is this another programmers joke
If that’s what I think it means then eewww
And in the next strip, you’ll see Woo and what he’s put into their dinner……!
@ bob:
Yes it is French, translated it is= If I hear around me Lolita me Lolita Lolita.
The song is by a group named Azilee, full translation of the song follows=
“Me, my name is Lolita
Lo, or Lola as well
They’re one and the same.
Me, my name is Lolita
When I dream about wolves
It’s Lola who bleeds.
When I make a slip of the tongue, I have it:
A giggling fit, as crazy (1)
As a phenomenon.
My name is Lolita,
“Lo” of life, “Lo” for a diluvial love life. (2)
It’s not my fault,
And when I give up (3)
I see the others,
All ready to pounce on me (4)
It’s not my fault, not mine,
If I hear all around me,
L O L I T A (5)
Me, Lolita
Me, my name is Lolita
A school-girl, in stockings
The color of methylene blue (6)
Me, my name is Lolita,
Quick-tempered, and not
Half cotton, half wool. (7)
Not a word, don’t say
To my mother that I
Am a phenomenon.
My name is Lolita
“Lo” of life, “Lo” for a diluvial love life.
It’s not my fault,
And when I give up
I see the others,
All ready to pounce on me
It’s not my fault, not mine,
If I hear all around me,
Me, Lolita”
I’m really not getting what it is about this song that makes Richard palm his face. Yes, Lolita is a schoolgirl in stockings, which possibly implies pederasty, but it seems a stretch. Were the song “Every breath you take” that wouldn’t mean Richard is stalking Melody. Were it ‘Silly love songs’ that wouldn’t be a declaration of love. “Band on the run” wouldn’t mean Richard and Sandra are in the Witness Protection Program, and so on.
For the record, yes I do know of Vladimir Nabokov’s book Lolita. So yes, a song with Lolita in it can be said to imply much that isn’t there. Of course, so does “Thank heavens for little girls” and “Marie is only six years old” or “Beat me daddy eight to the bar.” Come to think of it, what are we to make of anybody named Noah who has daughters? Quick, call Child and Family Services!
demarion wrote:
Hey, that guy, Lot, from Sodom was even Worse.
Except in his case it was the Daughters who took advantage of Him.
Romantic? Whoa, did I miss something?
Common Sense: APPARENTLY!
demarion wrote:
You mention “Every breath you take” but you seem to overlook the obvious one: “Don’t Stand So Close To Me”
@ demarion:
Just to clarify, Lolita is a very very infamous novel written from the perspective of a pedophile, written in such a way as to do a darn good job of getting the readers to sympathize with his actions. Hence the facepalm, at the book that the song references.
Larisa, meet Consequences. ^^
Well I immediately thought of the book and movie which would at least explain the face palm. With the French song, the connection is tenuous at best.
However, the basic premise is so far out in left field that I am wondering what is going on with Novil & Powree. A couple of strips ago they were sworn enemies, a dinner date was pushing it, to bring her home unbelievable, then to ask her about romantic music??? Now we just entered an alternate world!
Novil & Powree owe us a back story.
I’unno. Having it end up being Larissa who changed the songs around seems.. stereotypical.
Is it even possible for her to keep all those anymore? Despite being of the metric system, I’m pretty sure that covers pretty much everywhere Larisa spends her time.
I suppose you could move the stereo fifty miles away, but that brings its own problems to the table.
Ian Albert wrote:
I will just leave this here: Bad Boys Blue – Pretty Young Girl
@ bob:
It is french. Basically it means “If I hear all around me, L-o-l-i-t-a, me Lolita.”
I know it don’t really make sense. Partly because it’s out of context, and partly because… even in french the song does’nt make that much sense.
If you wonder what it is about, it’s a girl complaining about her name: Lolita.
@ DaB.:
Gotta keep track of all those restraining orders somehow ><
I don’t get it either.
Zeterai wrote:
It’s par for the course. 😉
@ demarion:
The song “Lolita” from Alizee is directly an allusion to the Lolita of Nabokov… How you missed the wolves, the bleeding of Lolita and the others ready to throw themselves on her as sexual is beyond me but this is definitely a song that is not really romantic with contemporary attitudes toward pedophilia and that has unfortunate implications if you just announced you were putting on a romantic (for you) song…
I’m impressed Larisa takes those restraining orders so seriously.
Moi Lolita is beautiful AS A SONG, but I can understand how that would leave the wrong impression on a new houseguest.
The facial expressions here are absolutely perfect.
so all of this brought to mind two songs from the mid 60s with which i am familiar:
Younger Girl by The Lovin’ Spoonful/ The Critters/The Hondells
Come Up The Years by Jefferson Airplane.
as far as the subject matter of today’s strip is concerned, would i be within the same ballpark?
Don’t worry, Larisa, it’s not a legal restraining order
The Kool wrote:
Sorry but i must disagree, The book is about a man who BECOMES a pedophile.
While many think that this book is an excuse for his actions is is NOT.
He was a Weak willed man who did not have the moral strength to resist , walk away or seek help.
The book is really about one not so simple question :-
Do YOU have the Moral Strength?.
The song reminds me of Larisa’s Halloween costume.
The song may also have dredged up the question of the Age Difference between Richard and Melody.
I’m guessing about 12 years or so since she seems to be just Beginning her career as a Software Engineer while Richard has been at it for a while.
I don’t think so seeing as they are dating, no offence to age gaped pairs, but i doubt it, sandra is about 14 and melody might have been transferred or found a new job after annoying the boss of the last one
Questiontroll wrote:
Plus, IIRC, wasn’t she introduced as the new head of a department. That implies she already has some years under her belt.
I’m more concerned that someone not even out of high school has 5+ restraining orders against her already.
@ The Kool:
Apparently you haven’t actually read it, if you think the protagonist was in any way written as sympathetic. He was a tool who allowed himself to victimized by the world, and the one time he tried to assert his own will (by drugging Lolita), it not only failed but wound up just making him a victim of Lolita herself. In the end, he did nothing, had nothing, and gained nothing. That’s not very sympathetic.
I’m commenting for the first time because when I looked up this song I realized I’ve heard it a million times before. It came from a mixed CD of my sister’s and I only knew it by the track number, it’s pretty awesome to see it show up in Sandra and Woo since it would be pretty hard to find without knowing some French 🙂 .