[0703] Recommendation Letter

[0703] Recommendation Letter

Our yearly Sandra and Woo and Gaia artwork contest started this week! The prize money for the winning entries this year is a whopping $1000! So don’t miss your chance to become one of the winners and participate!

  • Ye Thuza: Prof. Douglas, I’m from the neighboring town and would like to ask you if you could possibly mentor my daughter as part of a scholarship.
  • Michael R. Douglas: Hmm, maybe. Do you have a recommendation letter from her current school?
  • Ye Thuza: Well, I wouldn’t really describe it like that.
  • Report card: Yuna is an excellent student who shows a keen interest in mathematics and science. She solves problems with a great deal of dedication and creati-
  • Yuna: I only got a “B” in math because my dumb seatmate copied my answers in the last test and we both got an “F” for it!
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