This page is based on the idea and great sketch provided by our reader Puyon.
Create a crafty decoy.
Using your PAINT BRUSH (WITH PAINT), you create a crafty DECOY from your GORBACHEV GRENADE by making it look like SANDRA. Thanks to your high ARTISTRY, the painted Sandra wears that Gorbachev expression quite well. That’s definitely the face of someone who’s not happy about their quickly approaching death.
> Throw Gorbachev grenade.
Make a joke about Perestrojka [Reconstruction] or Glasnost [Transparency] while you throw the GRENADE. Somethink along the line of “You’re going to be Perestrojked into a pile of scraps”
Point in the opposite direction and say, “What’s the Archangel Gabriel doing here, and is he dating Michael?!” then throw.
Great artwork Powree and Puyon! (Larisa too!)
I’m not sure why this one was so funny to me, but LOL I did.
Using the inanimate carbon rod and exploiting the fact that the angels have lost field of vision because they missed sandra you throw the grendade and the rod and after both have landed has shout that she is escaping through a half destroyed exit door (hence the rod’s use as an extra decoy).
Them Glowy eyes says, you dont mess with this girl, dont they?
Allow me to be the first to say:
Oh hey random hmst ref.
If you can get it suspended by the keychain and slightly off centre, the evil robot will be spinning in circles chasing the Crafty Decoy – unfortunately, your precision throw skill is 0.
So funny! can’t stop smiling!
aparajeet wrote:
If you read more then a few pages of this Webcomic you should have learnt this long ago.
People who mess with Larisa tend to burn their fingers … or worse.
You have got to be kidding me.
This arc is simply amazing. I was expecting big things out of it and I’m not disappointed in the slightest.
Use Luna’s Plot Device!!
Great google moogly!! I forgot to check yesterday and didn’t see until now that my idea was used!! I was so convinced that it wouldn’t be good for anything but then again, this is Sandra and Woo we’re talking about here :V