- Sandra: I can’t believe you gave me lingerie for my birthday, Cloud! My grandpa said I should dump such a pervert immediately.
- Cloud: Which you’re going to do now for sure…
- Sandra: Of course not. But it took me a whole hour to calm him down. Do you think that was fun?!
- Cloud: I’m sorry, Sandra.
- Sandra: …
- Sticker: To: Abu Dhabi
- Sandra: Now get out of that box! The parcel service won’t come until tomorrow anyway.
- Cloud: I can wait.
Did he pack himself? Because otherwise conversation doesn’t make sense…
I’m about to do my famous kitten mailing routine!
Abu Dhabi is probably safer than anywhere his mother might be right now.
An hour of an angry grandpa is not a good present. I wonder what Larisa will say now. I don’t think she could have predicted this outcome (even though there definitely was a non zero chance of someone finding out).
I wonder if they’re going to get back at the demoness who orchestrated this. And how.
1. Hope we won’t be cheated out of Yu Thuza finding out, but more importantly…
2. Does Woo ever harass the mail man or anyone delivering something?
@ Interamna:
Probably and by making her wear a lady’s swimsuit from 1920’s.
Is he going to say Larissa manipulated him into it?
Pity… this had to be posted on monday
Trimutius wrote:
It sure seems like it to me. And I agree with althroughzdude. Getting himself mailed to Abu Dhabi will definitely be less unpleasant that dealing with Mom.
Anyone else wondering how he managed to seal that box?
Good joke, from decades ago when Garfield was actually funny.
Personally I’m surprised he went through with it. Then again I’m somewhat surprised a lingere shop would have stuff sized for a 12/13 year old, let alone let such shop there. But hey, I’m almost 40 and times are changing I suppose.
Seriously though, I feel sorry for Cloud, he was bullied into this by Larissa. Or maybe not, I mean he’s been friends with both for awhile now so he should have had some idea that going to Larissa for gift advice would be a bad idea…..
Ok, now I’m conflicted on just how sorry I feel for Cloud. Suppose it depends on what kinda reaction he would have gotten if papa or gramps hadn’t shown up when they did
Regret nothing…except that part with Sandra’s granddad
TopWebComics report: Gaia finished last month in 28th place with 2186 votes, Sandra and Woo finished in 29th place with 2162 votes.
Travel report: even if he gets into the postal system, Cloud will be pulled aside and unboxed due to his not having the correct health certification attached. >:=)>
1oldbear wrote:
She’ll hijack the plane.
Well Sandra, go blame your succubus friend Larisa…I mean she literally became a hellspawn trying to save your life….and pervert Cloud’s mind !
@ Greenwood Goat:
TopWebComics Report: They still don’t seem to care that the bots own the top of the rankings.
Those people who wanted a certain SNL reference a few weeks ago, technically got it. :O
I think Cloud was boxed-in by Richard. You done messed up. Now get outta that box and apologize to gramps.
Well, at least Cloud has accepted that it is still partially his fault, and is not blaming Larissa by default. I hope Sandra realises that it was Larissas idea and gets her back for it.
Me too
also garfield reference
@ 1oldbear:
Meh, given the human rights abuse in Abu Dhabi and the UAE in general for unskilled migrants, probably the worst she could do is actually let him go there.
Solid Snake, he is not
athroughzdude wrote:
I hear it’s not so bad, if you can stand all the cute kittens.
@ Mighty Bob:
You would be surprised (and maybe horrofied) what girls these age buy for themselves…
Top men…
athroughzdude wrote:
Don’t think so.
He acted stupid not dishonorable. So she wouldn’t kill him. But she will sure make fun of him. In front of his little sister.
well, he SAID he wanted Sandra to open the present when they are alone… it’s not clouds fault, her grandpa never heard of knocking. She should be mad at gramps!
Mighty Bob wrote:
You don’t have to be actually 12/13 to have a body like a young girl.
A lot of friends of mine have to buy their clothes in the children section.
Best example are my asian friends. Most of them are very petite and have the body of sandra, although they are 25+
(Wihtout the smaller sizes, which are often even hard to get, they wouldnt have lingery at all :/
Wild guess (for this comic): Yu will NOT be angry. She’ll be disappointed he didn’t get away with it… 🙂
Is Cloud going to come clean and say it was Larissa’s idea, or has that ship sailed?
@Crystalgate I don’t think Larissa cares very much.
I’m guessing that Gramps was responsible for the boxing. Richard has actually talked to Sandra about birth control, so while he would be unhappy about Cloud’s gift, he shouldn’t be surprised or furious. It also fits with the Garfield reference.
@ Trimutius:
I think its more that Cloud feels like an idiot for getting Sandra the underwear and believes that he deserves to be mailed to Abu Dhabi. I’m guessing that Grandpa boxed Cloud.
Asrial wrote:
I don’t think he’s the one to blame others for his actions.
Yes. Larisa talked him into it. But still: he chose to buy it. And he actually gave it to Sandra. Who is HIS girlfriend.
An episode of ‘Allo ‘Allo! had a similar joke. A member of the French resistance tried to escape from a POW camp’s mail room by disguising herself as a Red Cross parcel. (The actress’s small stature made this seem plausible.) However, she did not apply enough stamps, so they shipped her to Switzerland.
Again, this is why you shouldn’t listen to Larisa.
And how…
@ Interamna:
awh poor Cloud 🙂
At least it’s airmail, not an airlock: http://galaxioncomics.com/1-comic/book-4/chapter-12/426colour/
Why don’t they try sending him on the cloud?
Abu Dhabi, that’s far away!
Abu Dhabi, that’s where I’ll stay!
Abu Dhabi’s the place to be,
when a grandfather wants to kill me!
Matt wrote:
@ Matt:
Scroll down till you see “Place Worse Than Death”
Sandra’s Grandpa, YOU’RE a pervert. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Waiting for
“And what would possess you to do something like that”
And suddenly Sandra knows exactly what happened 🙂
Well aside from the angry grandpa, I suspect things will actually go well. Remember Sandra and Larissa were talking about this happening I-forgot-how-many-bajillion strips ago.
I also think Ye Thuza will approve of the bold move, seeing she was calling him a pussy a while ago as well.
Cloud just tell her Larisa manipulated you. Everyone will belive you!
…So did she like the lingerie or not?
Asrial wrote:
Maybe, maybe not. Larisa is a caring person, as seen when Zoey wasn’t feeling well after Michelle took her kiss poorly. On the other hand, one thing that Larisa don’t seem to care about is embarrassment. If Sandra later changes her mind and decides she likes the lingerie (chance is Richard confiscated it though) then Larisa is unlikely to feel bad about making Cloud buying it, but if that doesn’t happen, then Larisa’s idea was based on a false premise.
@ Rarefoil:
Given that she hasn’t already dumped him?
Probably. But Cloud will *never know*.