All remastered Gaia pages will be re-run over the course of the next two and a half years. A new page will be published every day.
The pages will feature my commentary from the making-of book Gaia: sic mundus creatus est. Roughly every third page will have such a comment.
I will also occasionally post other content from the making-of book whenever there’s a longer stretch of pages without commentary.
Ah, the archive has been cleared! So we can experience the whole story as anew as it goes. Definitely like it!
But, perhaps, remove the poll, as those pages are no longer visible now.
BlueishMage wrote:
Thanks for the notice. I overlooked that.
@ BlueishMage:
Tbh, I’m not fan of removing old one. Why not keeping both but moving the old comic to a different folder like /gaia-original/ or something.
Well that stinks. I finally find a comic that is decent AND has a conclusion and it get erased when I’m halfway through. Oh well… on to find the next one.
@ spoon:
Stick around for a while. This comic was spectacular, and if you were only halfway through it before he restarted it, you will eventually get to see the end of it again. He still has all of the pages, and is just re-releasing them in re-run format with new commentary to support the making of the new book that finally made it’s way off of Kickstarter.
I discovered this comic when I was a kid and followed it through to the end. I loved the story. When I want a good read I come back to this comic to reread. When I recently came back to re-read it again I was extremely disappointed to find out I could not re-read it and had to wait for new comics to come out again. It was fun and exciting the first time, wondering how the comic would turn out, but now it’s not. I know how the story will end and all I really want is to enjoy a good story again without waiting 2 and a half years for it to finish again. I recently turned 13 and I will be 15 by the time the comic finishes again. I would very much appreciate it if the author would add back the old comics for readers to enjoy the story without waiting daily for a new comic to come out. The old ones could be separated into a separate folder archives such as Kitzune suggested. I wish for my comment to at least be considered. I understand if it’s not followed through but I would at least like a response from the author telling me so.
Please make it possible to reread the old pages! I want to be able to read the story the whole way though again, not wait two years to reread the conclusion!
@ Another Chris:
do you mean that the book of Gaia is going to be available not on the kickstarter at some point? And if so where?
Also, I would also like to register my preference for keeping up the old archive while releasing the remastered pages.