In a second round, must confess that surprises me he is not registered as one of Lili’s associated or something like that. Of course, “someone” could erase those kind of files.
In a second round, must confess that surprises me he is not registered as one of Lili’s associated or something like that. Of course, “someone” could erase those kind of files.
Officially, their relationship is that they are visiting same class (or maybe even just year). They don’t have facebook to register who’s whose friend.
In a second round, must confess that surprises me he is not registered as one of Lili’s associated or something like that. Of course, “someone” could erase those kind of files.
Gonfrask wrote:
Officially, their relationship is that they are visiting same class (or maybe even just year). They don’t have facebook to register who’s whose friend.