Character info

This page contains references for almost all characters that have appeared a couple of times in Sandra and Woo and Gaia. You don’t have to read all of this! But if you want to draw a picture of Sandra and one of her friends, or a picture of Lilith Caillean and her brother Dyson, you will find all the necessary info here! Or maybe you would like to draw a dragon and want to know how they look like in Gaia.

Download reference pics for all Sandra and Woo characters!

Download reference pics for all Gaia characters + creatures + places!

The following character descriptions are meant to be used together with the reference pics.

The more important and popular characters are marked green.

Table of contents

  1. Sandra and Woo: Sandra, Woo and friends
  2. Sandra and Woo: Parents and siblings
  3. Sandra and Woo: Woodland critters
  4. Sandra and Woo: Antagonists
  5. Sandra and Woo: Classmates
  6. Sandra and Woo: Gods
  7. Gaia: Main characters
  8. Gaia: The Shadowdancers
  9. Gaia: Parents and siblings
  10. Gaia: The adventure group
  11. Gaia: Academy of Cania
  12. Gaia: Friends
  13. Gaia: Antagonists
  14. Gaia: Kings, wizards & Co.
  15. Gaia: Other people

Sandra and Woo

Sandra and her friends are around 12 to 13 years old (10 to 11 at the beginning of the comic). Don’t draw them looking too old.

The coloration of the hair color is inconsistent for some characters. All shown variants are considered correct.

Sandra, Woo and friends


Sandra is the main character of the comic. She is friendly and smart.She has two alter egos:

  • Medium height for her age
  • Hair: Blond with an orange hue, two streaks in front of her ears
  • Eyes: Brown with a red hue (often drawn completely black)

Woo [Raccoon]

Woo is a mischievous, intelligent talking raccoon. He is Sandra’s pet and both like each other very much.

  • Tail pattern (towards the tip): black – white – black – white – black
  • Black forearms, black front half of feet


Sandra’s boyfriend. He’s courageous and loyal.

  • Body: Fit, but not muscular, with a somewhat feminine body type
  • Hair: Brown with a red hue; streak of hair pointing backwards
  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Same height as Sandra


Sandra’s best friend. She is the embodiment of “chaotic neutral”. She is flirty and a passionate pyromaniac.
(High insanity factor!)

  • Hair: Light blond
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Skin: Lighter than Sandra
  • Body: Thinner than Sandra
  • Taller than Sandra


Larisa’s boyfriend. He is nerdy and innocent.

  • Hair: Blond/Light brown with a red hue
  • Eyes: Large round glasses
  • Skin: Some freckles on the cheeks


Another good friend of Sandra. She was shy and insecure, but has been getting bolder with time.

  • Skin: Darker than Sandra
  • Character design is somewhat generic. You probably should draw her together with another character unless you’re very good at capturing the essence of a character!


Parents and siblings


Sandra’s father. He works as a software developer. He is down-to-earth compared to the other characters.

Ye Thuza

Cloud’s mother. She is a former Burmese rebel with a big fighting spirit and sometimes questionable educational methods.
(High insanity factor!)

  • Character design is somewhat generic. You probably should draw her together with another character unless you’re very good at capturing the essence of a character!


Cloud’s father.


Cloud’s little sister. She is a super genius in the fields of physics and math. She can be a brat.
(High insanity factor!)


Larisa’s mother


Larisa’s father


Co-worker of Sandra’s father Richard.
(High insanity factor!)


Woodland critters

Most of the female critters lack usual feminine traits like long hair so making them look feminine requires a bit of skill.

Lily [Raccoon]

Woo’s mate. She is a loving wife and mother, but can also be a bit bitchy at times.

  • Has a cut in her left ear (seen from the front)
  • Tail pattern (towards the tip): [black – thin white – black] – [white] – [black – thin white – black] – [white] – [black]
  • Lighter fur color than Woo
  • Facial mask: Hatched/Light
  • Arms: Black forearms
  • Legs: Not blackened

Woo’s kits: Sirius, Arcturus, Canopus and Vega [Raccoons]

All kits have the same fur pattern as Woo: dark- white – dark – white – dark

Arcturus [m] and Canopus [m] are twins with the same fur patterns.

  • Facial mask: Black
  • Forearms: Hatched
  • Legs: Not blackened
  • Tail: Hatched dark areas

Sirius [m] is the calmest of the kits:

  • Facial mask: Black
  • Forearms: Hatched
  • Legs: Hatched
  • Tail: Black dark areas

Vega [f] is a very aggressive hunter, similar to Ruth.

  • Facial mask: Small, hatched
  • Forearms: Not blackened
  • Legs: Not blackened
  • Tail: Black dark areas

Shadow [Red fox]

Woo’s best friend in the woods.

  • Graceful and eloquent

Echo [Red fox]

Shadow’s mate.

Shadow’s kits: Rocky and Rose [Red foxes]

Shadow’s kits.

Sid [Red squirrel]

Another good friend of Woo. Woo, Shadow and other predators often try to eat him.

  • Tufts of hair on top of his ears.

Ruth [Pine squirrel]

Sid’s mate. She is a carnivorous squirrel who only eats predators.
(High insanity factor!)

  • Wears a red bandana around her neck.

Butterfly [Raccoon]

Female raccoon who is an incredibly gifted climber who currently tries to ascend K2 (wearing climbing gear).

  • Tail pattern (towards the tip): black – white – black -white – black – white – black – white
  • Special shape of her facial mask
  • Black arms, black legs

Flint [Raccoon]

Male raccoon who accompanies Butterfly on her mission to ascend K2.

  • Light facial mask
  • Tail pattern (towards the tip): black – white – black -white – black (with a zig-zag pattern)
  • Black forearms, black front half of feet (like Woo)




The main antagonist of Sandra & Co. But she’s more of a frenemy. She is often self-centered and arrogant, but not evil. She is a lesbian.

  • Body: Thinner than Sandra


Zoey’s best friend.

  • Hair: Somewhere between blond and brown


Violent, not so bright classmate. Likes to beat up Landon.




Classmate with a tic: She re-adjusts her glasses all the time.
(High insanity factor!)


Friend of Cloud.


Friend of Cloud.



Seeoahtlahmakaskay [Raccoon goddess]

Goddess of the raccoons.

  • Design obviously inspired by the video game Okami.

The Devil

Lord of the underworld. Suave.



Main characters

Ilias Oter

Ilias is the leader of the group for most of the story. He is brave, intelligent, a good planner and a loyal friend.

  • Fighter
  • Weapon of choice: Longsword
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Dark blue

Viviana (Jael Bara)

Viviana is the leader of the Shadowdancers, a thieves’ guild and rebel group who strive for the independence of the country Ileasaar.
Viviana’s real name is Jael Bara. Her parents, Garret and Eileen, were two famous reporters.
Later, Ilias and Viviana become a couple.
Later, she becomes queen of the world after defeating an archdemon in battle.

  • Thief
  • Weapon of choice: the Rainbow Knife
  • Often wears the Avaril around her neck, a flight crystal
  • Hair: Several hairstyles and hair colors. If in doubt, stick to blond with the side-ponytail.
  • Eyes: Light blue

Lilith Caillean

Lilith is an extremely talented wizard with a speciality in protection shield magic. She is one of the main pieces in Eldor’s game.

  • Wizard
  • Weapon of choice: Staff of Stars
  • Hair: Brown. Long hair, two long streaks in front of her ears
  • Eyes: Dark blue

Ryn Gwalch

Ryn is Ilias’ best friend. He is somewhat chaotic, but smarter than he appears on first look.

  • Fighter/Wizard
  • Weapon of choice: Short sword
  • Hair: Blond with an orange hue
  • Eyes: Blue

Alissa Itoriel

Alissa is Lilith’s best friend. She comes from a wealthy merchant family and has a strong will.

  • Archer
  • Weapon of choice: Bow and arrow
  • Hair: Dark red
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Tall for a woman

Sandril Saretro

Sandril is Lilith’s boyfriend. He is arrogant and very righteous.

  • Fighter
  • Weapon of choice: Long sword, later the famous sword Lightbringer
  • Hair: Dark brown, almost black
  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Tallest of the six main heroes

Eldor Olenvis

Eldor Olenvis is the influential advisor of Cania’s king Olrik and main antagonist of the heroes, especially Lilith. Later it is revealed that he’s actually an elf who magically altered his appearance.

  • Wizard
  • Hair: Long. Light gray.
  • Has a goatee.


Supporting characters

Gaia has a lot of supporting characters. The important and popular ones are marked with green. But also don’t overlook the dragons and imps with their beautiful character designs.

The Shadowdancers

The Shadowdancers are a thieves’ guild and rebel group who strive for the independence of the country Ileasaar.

Arty Jannon

Former adventurer and one of the founders of the Shadowdancers.


Experienced member of the Shadowdancers.


Shadowdancer responsible for organizational tasks.


Shadowdancer who took part in the jailbreak.


Shadowdancer specialized in constructive magic.


Former adventurer and one of the founders of the Shadowdancers. Main caretaker of Viviana after the death of her parents.




Assistant of Viviana.

Milo Torval

Former adventurer and current leader of Ileasaar’s independence movement. He is married to Salacea Torval. Good friend of Viviana.

Salacea Torval

Former adventurer and current leader of Ileasaar’s independence movement. She is married to Milo Torval. Good friend of Viviana.


Shadowdancer who took part in the jailbreak.


Parents and siblings

Dyson Caillean

Dyson is Lilith’s little brother. He is a wizard, but lacks the talent of his sister.

Eileen Bara

Eileen is Viviana’s deceased mother, a famous newspaper reporter. Married to Garret.

Garret Bara

Garret is Viviana’s deceased father, a famous newspaper reporter. Married to Eileen.

Marisa Caillean

Marisa is Lilith’s mother, a farmer.

Svea Oter

Svea is Ilias’ little sister.

Theres Oter

Theres is Ilias’ mother.

Tibor Caillean

Tibor is Lilith’s father, a farmer.


The adventure group

Eric Loreson

Eric is a fighter and the leader of an adventure group that is on Viviana’s tracks.

Ira Catao

Ira is a priest and a member of Eric Loreson’s adventure group.

Talon Garrison

Talon is an archer and a member of Eric Loreson’s adventure group.

Vel [Imp]

Vel, an imp, is a wizard and a member of Eric Loreson’s adventure group.


Academy of Cania

Ars [Imp]

Ars is one of the teachers for magic at the Academy of Cania. He dies in the first chapter of the story.

Faye Galitas

Faye is the main fighting instructor at the Academy of Cania and deputy of the headmaster Hel Rekdal.

Hel Rekdal

Hel is the headmaster of the Academy of Cania and one of the most powerful wizards of Cania. He dies in the first chapter of the story.

Sia [Imp]

Sia is Ars’ wife.

Xis [Imp]

Xis is Ars’ son.



Ariella of Cheysh

Ariella is a travelling archmage who helps Ilias at one point.

Casper [Horse]

Casper is Viviana’s horse.


Fabius is a wizard working for Osterath’s city guard.

Joril Buffin

Joril is an innkeeper and father of Ryker Buffin.


Malva is the priestess of Oakdale.


Reginar is an officer in Osterath’s city guard.

Ryker Buffin

Ryker Buffin is the son of an innkeeper and new friend of Viviana and Ilias.

Xarlaxe [Dragon]

Xarlaxe is the leader of the three golden dragons of Midgard and old friend of Faye.



Delvor Garrot

Delvor is the minister of the interior of Cania.

Kali [Creature]

Kali is the familiar of Eldor.

Olrik of Cania (King Olrik)

Olrik is the king of Cania who is strongly dependent on the advice of his advisor Eldor.

Xardan Jaze

Xardan is a wizard and one of the assassins of Viviana’s parents.


Kings, Wizards & Co.

Aolilatse [Dragon]

Aolilatse is the leader of the Dragon Council of Santhilia.

Ix [Imp]

Ix is the spiritual leader of all imps on Gaia and member of the Dragon Council.

Kairos Khan

Kairos is an archmage and leader of the Royal Guard of Midgard.

  • Tall

Morian the Elder

Morian is an archmage who is the joint leader of Aracona’s city guard and a general in Cania’s army.

San de Vertis

San de Vertis is the powerful high priestess of Golnar. Later, it is revealed that there is a connection between her and Lilith.

Savos of Mainora (King Savos)

Savos is the king of Midgard, the largest county on Gaia.


Other people

Cassius Livy

Cassius is an engineer who designed Ileasaar’s projector network. He helps Viviana in exchange for money.

Janos Baltor

Janos is the son of a nobleman. He has a crush on Alissa, but the relationship is entirely one-sided.