Looking for comment moderators

Update (9 April 2010): Unfortunately the idea with comment moderators didn’t work out the way I hoped it would, so I’ll have to look for another solution if there should be problems in the future.

One degenerated %#&§?& had to ruin our April fools joke by posting extremely lewd pictures on our website.

This incident has made it clear that our webcomic has now gotten so popular that it attracts the attention of trolls and other internet scum. Because of this it is necessary to control the comments that appear on our website more strictly. However, I’m still hopefull that we don’t have to resort to a moderation queue for comments since this would significantly affect the possibility for discussions among visitors in a negative way.

Instead we are now looking for comment moderators. A comment moderator has complete control over all comments written by other visitors and can delete them if they contain inappropriate content, especially links to pornographic or excessively violent material, but also particularly offensive swear words and libel.

If you are a regular contributor to our comment section you can REGISTER HERE so that I can set your user role from “Member” to “Comment Moderator” afterwards. After I have set your new user role, you have to login to be able to access the moderator tools for comment moderation. There’s now a “User Panel” menu on the left sidebar for logging in.

We hope that enough regulars will be interested so that it will take only minutes until the next moderator visits the site and removes the inappropriate comment.

Click here to see the comments!